Below is the overview of the art curriculum at Leechpool.
The above overview will be implemented by the development of the progression of skills in art illustrated below.
At Leechpool, our art and design curriculum is of high quality, is well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- Children will have a clear enjoyment and confidence in Art and Design.
- Will be inspired by the Art curriculum which stimulates further independent creative work.
- Children are able to discuss and critique art work and artist styles.
- They can make links to previous learning and apply this across the curriculum
- Talking to the children about their learning (pupil voice).
- Half termly assessments against the skills documents (KS2).
The subject leader monitors the impact of our provision through regular monitoring that includes book looks, photographic evidence and listening to the voice of our pupils. Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum.
Online Art Gallery
We are excited to launch our new online Art Gallery, 'Padlet', to celebrate the art work and talent of the children across the school. Our art gallery showcases a selection of art from Foundation Stage through to Year 6 to give a flavour of what we have been working on this term. The gallery for the year will be updated on a termly basis. We hope you enjoy looking at some of our wonderful work!
For further information about art, click here.