Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Intent

All children have the right to a broad, balanced and relevant education that provides continuity, progression and allows them to flourish in areas of their natural talent whilst developing the understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills that will serve them throughout their lives.  We plan our curriculum in ways that inspire, motivate, and meet the social and emotional needs of our children taking into account individual differences to ensure success. We ‘breathe life into learning, to be the best we can be’. Here is an example of our Year 1 curriculum overview planning, which we have place for all year groups. Visit the Year Group Zones to view them all.

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We believe in the value of key concepts in each subject – concepts making up a combination of knowledge and skills. By focusing on concepts, knowledge and skills, we have ensured that pupils secure a solid base to build on as they move through the school and into Key Stage Three and beyond. The progression of our concepts, knowledge, and skills has been carefully sequenced across the school to enable links to be made between subjects but also to ensure that the learning is retrieved and is progressive year after year. The curriculum is also designed to ensure that children develop a strong vocabulary base and an extensive understanding of the world.

The curriculum promotes long-term learning, and we believe that progress means knowing more and remembering more. As pupils learn the content of the curriculum, they are making progress. We are developing a curriculum built on current research regarding how memory works to ensure that children not only have access to ‘the best that has been thought and said’ but are taught this in a way that ensures children can remember the curriculum content in future years. Below is an example of our medium term planning and its focus on concepts and knowledge. To view the skills progression for each subject, visit our subject areas page.

Our curriculum is constantly evolving and developing and this is shared in our Curriculum Newsletter which is published each half-term.

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National Curriculum

The National Curriculum (NC) provides both the content and the framework for most of what we teach at Leechpool Primary School.  In the Early Years, children experience the seven areas of learning as set out by the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which is delivered nationally.  In Key Stage One and Two, children are taught the ‘core’ subjects of English, mathematics, science and religious education (RE) and the ‘foundation’ subjects of art; computing; design and technology (DT); geography; history; Modern Foreign Language (MFL) (French and Spanish); music; and personal, social, health, and economic education (PSHE).

We also have a clear Collective Worship policy that can be found here.  Families may withdraw their children from RE lessons and assemblies if they wish, but this needs to be discussed with the Headteacher.

Curriculum Implementation

Click here for full details of the National Curriculum and how it is implemented at Leechpool Primary School.

If you would like to view the overall content for each year group, visit the Year Group Zones and click on the year group you would like to look at.

To review our subject offer at Leechpool Primary School, view our subject areas page, which are informative and regularly updated.

Subject Time Allocation

We believe that it is very important that all children receive their entitlement to a broad, balanced, and relevant curriculum. To this end, we have looked very closely at the learning time allocated to each of our subjects in the curriculum.  These have been calculated on a 38 week school year (the school year is actually 39 weeks though 5 days are used for INSET).

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Curriculum in Action

Our curriculum display highlights our concepts in action and is situated in the main school entrance. It provides a snapshot of our living curriculum and demonstrates our pupils learning, exploring and developing concepts, skills and knowledge in the various subject areas and committing this to long-term memory.

The display highlights pictorially how these are woven through each year group of our curriculum. The concepts displayed here are regularly updated to give parents a flavour of what is taught, learnt, and remembered at Leechpool Primary School.

More detailed year group specific curriculum can be found within our Home/ School Booklets.

The impact of our subjects and how we bring this alive with children is illustrated in our subject areas page.