Home/School Agreement
At Leechpool Primary School, we are committed to working together with individual families and their children to provide the highest quality of education. This education will be based on a partnership of shared values and beliefs.
The School
The school will:
- Work hard to create a happy, safe and calm learning environment for everyone on our school site.
- Promote each child’s health, safety and happiness.
- Encourage children to be involved and to do their best in all aspects of school life.
- Encourage children to take care of the school environment, equipment and books and to develop responsible behaviour in class and around the school and on the playground
- Keep parents informed of their child’s progress through meetings and reviews, as and when required.
- Supply the parents with an annual progress report at the end of each year.
- Keep parents informed about school activities and the curriculum.
- Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school.
Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Headteacher Mrs N Davenport
The Parents / Family / Carers
I / We will:
- Help to maintain a happy, safe and calm learning environment for everyone on the school site.
- Support the school’s aims and general rules.
- See that my child goes to school regularly, on time and properly dressed.
- Provide an explanation if my child is absent, in accordance with the school’s attendance policy.
- Attend consultative/review meetings to discuss my/our child’s progress.
- Supervise and oversee my/our child’s homework.
- Not arrange holidays during Key Stage 2 SATs week and do my/our best to avoid term time holidays.
Signed: …………………………………………….……………… Parent/Carer Please print name: …………………………………….……
Signed: ………………………………………….………………… Parent/Carer Please print name: ………………….……………………...
The Pupil
I will:
- Do my best to keep the school a happy, safe and calm place to learn.
- Attend school on time and bring the equipment I need every day.
- Wear my uniform and be tidy in appearance.
- Always try to behave sensibly and safely in class, around the school and on the playground.
- Look after all the school buildings, environment, equipment and books.
- Be polite, helpful and considerate to everyone within the school and outside.
- Do all my class work and homework as well as I can.
Please print name: ……………………………………….…………………….
A copy of this Agreement can be found for downloading here or alternatively a copy can be obtained from the School Office.
Breathing Life into Learning...... to be the best we can be....