Remote Learning


Remote learning is in place to ensure continuity of education when in-person attendance is not possible due to exceptional circumstances. In this section, you will find our plans for the provision of remote education in the event of a year group or whole school closure due to severe weather.

What to expect where classes or year groups are not in school due to severe weather.

  • Work is uploaded each day onto SeeSaw or your child’s Google Classroom. We teach the same curriculum remotely as in school wherever possible and appropriate; however, some adaptions may be needed in some subjects.
  • If access to a device or the internet is a barrier to remote learning, please contact the school for support with loaned devices or printed materials.
  • KS1 - for each of the days that children are at home isolating, we provide a maths lesson, a literacy lesson, a phonics or guided reading lesson, and a topic lesson that could encompass any other taught subject. 3 hours of remote provision will be provided as per statutory guidance.
  • KS2 - for each of the days that children are at home isolating, we provide a maths lesson, a literacy lesson, a guided reading lesson, and a topic lesson that could encompass any other taught subject. 4 hours of remote provision will be provided as per statutory guidance.
  • Any extra learning can be found through our 10 day plans (explained below) and can be used as the parent's discretion.
  • Teachers will monitor pupil engagement and follow up with parents if a child does not participate in remote learning.

If your child is unwell, they should be resting and not working to ensure a swift recovery. No remote provision is provided for children who are unwell.

Further learning through our extra 10-day plan

A further 10 school day plan has been created for each year group should parents wish to self direct their children to these for any reason. These plans are put together from the high-quality pre-recorded lessons from Oak National Academy and other online sources and follow the curriculum from your child’s year group but may not relate closely to what the class are learning currently. These include a literacy lesson, a maths lesson, and a topic lesson that could encompass any other taught subject.

For each day of the 10 days that your child may be at home, three lessons are provided:

  • a maths lesson
  • a literacy lesson
  • a topic lesson that could encompass any other taught subject

You will find the home learning plans in your child's year group folder in Year Group Zones.

Our Remote Learning Policy can be downloaded from the link below.