Aims, Aspirations and Values
- To provide an exciting, creative and supportive learning environment which empowers each child to value themselves and maximise their potential.
- To give our learners the highest standard of education through excellence and innovation in teaching linked with a relevant and engaging curriculum which recognises children’s needs and their learning styles.
- To equip each child with life skills so that they may become confident, responsible, caring citizens within our ever-changing, multicultural society.
As a learning community through the 6 Rs, we will strive to do the following:
- Learn from one another, and with one another, to be the best we can be ...
- Have high expectations of ourselves and each other
- Help each other to develop self-confidence and a happy positive self-image
- Be constructive, critical and analytical thinkers
- Continue to value and develop our ‘learning to learn’ culture in a safe place where we can make mistakes and try new ideas
- Celebrate progress, effort and achievement
- Help each other to develop lively, enquiring minds and encourage them to express themselves clearly in a variety of ways
- Foster strong links with our families and the wider community
- Work hard to maintain the values of our school.
Our curriculum is supported by the core value of the school ‘Respect’, which was chosen by the children. This demands that all children, adults, beliefs, cultures and traditions are valued alongside our traditional and contemporary British values. Knowledge and understanding of these is developed through various areas of the curriculum as well as within the RE and PSHE subject areas. Important religious festivals from different faiths are marked as well as the Christian Holy days. Black History month is a key feature within the school calendar as is British Fortnight which each year celebrates a different aspect of our culture.
The 6 Rs Learning Qualities
Children learn best when they are happy and are being collaborative. Educational research has shown that given the right environment and stimuli, children can solve problems and complete tasks with little or no direction from the teacher.
The concept of reflecting on and reviewing learning, plays an important part in the embedding and future application of skills knowledge and understanding. Children are given time to evaluate and improve their work as well as coaching each other.
The school has invested in many and varied learning resources and the children are encouraged to make independent decisions about what and who can help them with their learning. Initiative and creative thinking is valued and rewarded throughout the school.
Children are challenged and learn that success does not come without effort and that ‘the struggle’ is indispensable if they are to reach their potential.
Risk Taking
We believe that the school’s job to encourage the children to push the boundaries of their learning even when this will sometimes mean making mistakes and getting things wrong. They can take risks and try things in the knowledge that they are safe and can only benefit from their mistakes.
Our aim is for the children who walk out of the school gate, at the end of their time with us, to be confident and happy to take responsibility for their own learning and future success.