Academic Achievement

  • SATs outcomes for Years 2 and 6

  • Year 1 phonics results

  • Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

2023 - Key Stage 2 Results

The results for Year 6 in 2024 and the previous 3 years are listed below.  These results are set alongside the provisional National results.  Leechpool Primary School is very proud of the ongoing improvements to achievement and attainment.  We continually compare ourselves to other schools to ensure the children are receiving the best possible education and perform to their full potential.  Ofsted 2023 stated "The curriculum is a significant strength of the school." Pupils’ academic achievement and personal development are supported extremely well through a vibrant, multilayered and engaging programme of studies and additional activities.  

KS2 Results 2024 Reading Writing Maths RWM GPS*

School %


School %


School %


School %


School %


% Pupils at EXS+ 72 74 80 72 58 73 45 61 62 72
% Pupils Higher Level of Achievement 20 28 20 12 12 23 8 7 22 31
Average Scaled Score 104 105 N/A N/A 102 104 N/A N/A 103 105
KS2 Results 2023 Reading Writing Maths RWM GPS*

School %


School %


School %


School %


School %


% Pupils at EXS+ 80 73 73 71 75 73 63 59 80 72
% Pupils Higher Level of Achievement 35 29 22 9 22 20 10 5 25 25
Average Scaled Score 105 105 N/A N/A 104 104 N/A N/A 104 105
KS2 Results 2022 Reading Writing Maths RWM GPS*

School %


School %


School %


School %


School %


% Pupils at EXS+ 85 84 77 69 77 71 67 59 80 72
% Pupils Higher Level of Achievement 32 28 10 13 17 22 7 7 80 72
Average Scaled Score 106 105 10 13 17 22 7 7 20 28

* GPS is the recognised abbreviation for 'English grammar, punctuation and spelling'. 

TBC - To be confirmed


Progress Scores for Reading, Writing and Mathematics (2019 - 2023) - there are no progress scores for 2020 and 2021

Subject KS2 SAT Progress Scores 2018 - 2023
  2019 2022 2023
Reading 3.8 0.09 1.3
Well above average N/A N/A
Writing 0.6 -1.04 0.0
Average N/A N/A
Maths 0.8 -0.30 0.5
Average N/A N/A


Please follow the link below to see how we compare with other schools across the UK.  This information also highlights the progress scores of pupils in our school.


Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) - Year 4

These are the results of the statutory MTC that were taken in June 2023. The table shows the results from Leechpool Primary in comparison to West Sussex and National results. This will be updated once West Sussex and National results are released.

MTC Results Leechpool Primary West Sussex National
  2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Average Score 20 21 20.2 19.4 20 TBC 19.8 20.2 20.7
Score of 25 (full marks) 29% 40% 29% 23% TBC TBC 27% 29% 34%
Score of 20 and over 66% 70% 69% 57% TBC TBC 61% TBC TBC

TBC - To be confirmed


2023 - Key Stage 1 Results


KS1 SATs Results 2024

These are the results of the non-statutory KS1 SATs that were taken in May 2024. The table shows the results from Leechpool Primary in comparison to West Sussex and National results. These assessments became notstatutory from September 2023.

KS1 Results 2024 Reading Writing Maths RWM

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

% Pupils at EXS+ 78 71 TBC 78 62 TBC 83 71 TBC 60 57 TBC
% Pupils Higher Level of Achievement 25 19 TBC 15 8 TBC 22 16 TBC 0 6 TBC
KS1 Results 2023 Reading Writing Maths RWM

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

% Pupils at EXS+ 78 68 66 75 60 56 82 71 68 73 56 51
% Pupils Higher Level of Achievement 23 18 14 10 8 5 20 16 11 10 6 3
KS1 Results 2022 Reading Writing Maths RWM

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

School %


West Sussex %*

% Pupils at EXS+ 80 67 TBC 68 58 TBC 71 68 TBC 64 53 TBC
% Pupils Higher Level of Achievement 27 18 TBC 10 8 TBC 24 15 TBC 10 5 TBC

KS1 Phonics Results 2023

These are the results of the statutory KS1 Phonics that were taken in June 2023. The table shows the results from Leechpool Primary in comparison to West Sussex and National results. This will be updated once West Sussex and National results are released.

  Leechpool Primary West Sussex National
  2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Year 1 88% 95% 83%


78% TBC 75% 79% 80%
Year 2 95% 95% 100% 86%


TBC 87% 43% 91%