Safe & Healthy Travel to School
Leechpool Primary School Travel Committee
A group has been formed to look at travel safety issues at and around Leechpool School. The group is made up of parents, a governor and the School Business Manager as the chair. The main focus of the group is:
- To develop and update the Leechpool Travel Plan
- To maintain a Bronze level for the Leechpool Travel Plan in the Modeshift Stars Campaign
- To look at ways of improving the travel safety outside the school
- To encourage parents and other users of the school to park and travel safety to and from school
- To look at travel and safety incidents and seek solutions
- To liaise with the local authority over improvements to highways
- To maintain relationships with neighbours
- To encourage children to walk to school
The group meets half-termly, when possible, and sends out newsletters when necessary.
Current projects:
- To maintain coned areas before and after school to avoid families turning at the main entrance of the school
- Encouraging parents to not park in the cul-de-sac outside the school
- To reinstate the road markings at the front of the school
- To update the Travel Plan and secure a Bronze Award
School Travel Plan 2020 -21
Current developments being carried out and considered for Leechpool School Entrance December 2020
- the installation of a new gate CCTV system
Parking Problems
Parking is an everyday problem for all schools and their neighbours so Leechpool is not alone in this. Many of our parents are considerate and park away from the school or walk and the Travel Plan Team thank them for this.
The persistent offenders park in the school entrance, on the yellow zigzags, across our neighbours drives and on the drop curb corners which is not only inconsiderate but in some cases a traffic offence.
West Sussex has a website where these persistent offenders can be reported. Please use the link below to help remove these problems from our School.
Park and Stride
Parents and carers who need to use a car to take and/or pick up a child from school are asked, wherever possible, to park their car a short distance from the school and make the remaining journey by foot. This is not just a healthy option, it makes the areas close to the school much safer for all our children and greatly improves the lives of those living close to the school. Two recommended options are shown in the maps below.