Breakfast Club & Hot Lunches

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs every day of the week from 8.00am, where the pupils are collected from the school gates by members of staff and brought into school. Pupils are able to enjoy a bowl of cereal and/or some toast and a drink of milk or water, in a relaxed setting, whilst also having time to carry out activities with the other pupils and adults before school starts.

On a Wednesday the children enjoy "Breakfast Specials" of baked beans or scrambled egg on toast.  The breakfast club also holds special themed mornings throughout the year.

The price is £4.00 per session for the pupils who are not eligible for free school meals and we ask that you pay this in advance – please ask at the School Office for a form so you can book sessions for the term ahead.

Hot Meals

We are very lucky at Leechpool to be able to offer all our children hot, healthy, balanced meals created using top quality ingredients, sourced from Chartwells and delivered daily. These meals are cooked on the premises and can be order through the Parentpay at a cost of £2.97

Parents have the flexibility for their children to eat on individual days or every day. Meals must be ordered two weeks in advance. We are also very happy for children to have packed lunch if they prefer, and all children sit together in our hall.

Hot meals are provided free of charge for infant children. (Years R, 1 and 2). You do not need to order your child a meal as this is done by the school. (Years R, 1 and 2 only)

Please visit the Chartwells website for further information.

For children with food intolerances and allergies, Chartwells have a dedicated team of medical diet nutritionists on hand to support allergen aware children and their parents. More information on their medical diet process can be found here: The Chartwells Approach to Medical Diets | Chartwells

Parents and guardians can contact the medical diet nutrition team directly on:

To find out more about Chartwells, visit their website or contact the school catering team.